Recruitment Plan of Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS)
The Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) is the first dedicated national centre for comprehensive mechanics research in China. The first director is Qian Xuesen. Through several generations of scientists’ steadfast efforts, the institute has built an international prestige within the mechanics community, and has made a great contribution to the economic and social development of China. The institute has 7 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, and 2 state key laboratories. The primary research directions of IMCAS include micro-scale mechanics and trans-scale correlation, high-temperature gas dynamics and trans-atmosphere flight, microgravity science and its applications, key mechanical problems in oceanic engineering, environment, energy & transportation, mechanics in advanced manufacturing as well as biomechanics and bioengineering.
Over 60 years of development, the institute has boasted many accomplishments in promoting the development of mechanical research and high-tech industries in China and has enjoyed a reputation for training and mentoring outstanding scientific and technological talents. In this regard, the institute will continue to make a prominent contribution to the development of science and technology in China.
Looking forward to the future, the institute will continue to promote engineering science, with a renewed focus on key technologies and core scientific issues of the future. In order to achieve this goal, IMCAS will keep on promoting its unique combination of the original innovation, system integration, platform construction and personnel training.
研究单元|Research Unit
● 高温气体动力学国家重点实验室
State Key Laboratory of High Temperature Gas Dynamics(LHD)
招聘学科|Research Disciplines with Vacancies Available
● 力学 Mechancics
● 航空宇航科学与技术 Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology
● 机械工程 Mechanical engineering
● 控制科学与工程 Control science and Engineering
● 动力工程及工程热物理 Power engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
● 物理学 Physics
● 电气工程 Electrical engineering
1、学术/技术带头人 Academic / technical leaders
The applicants should not be over 50 years old. They should have extensive international academic influence or have mastered key core technologies and can solve key technical problems through research in natural science and engineering technology. They should have Science & Technology leadership and team-organizing ability and have experience as a full professor or equivalent in a well-known research institution, university or the R&D department of large enterprise. Exceptional scholars with associate professor title or equivalent work experience will also be considered.
2、学术/技术骨干Academic / technical Senior Scientific Research Fellow
年龄原则上不超过40周岁。 属自然科学和工程技术领域,具有优良的科技创新潜质,可独立开展科研工作和较强的团队协作能力; 具有获得博士学位后在知名科研机构、高校或大型企业研发机构不少于3年(含)的科研经历;或具有担任副教授或相当岗位任职经历;对关键核心技术领域,在海外取得博士学位且特别优秀者,工作年限可适当放宽。
The applicants should not be over 40 years old. They should be able to conduct independent research in the natural sciences and engineering technology, and demonstrated their excellent innovation potential and strong teamwork abilities. They should have at least 3 years of research experience (including 3 years) in a well-known research institution, university or the R&D department of large enterprise after obtaining a doctoral degree or have experience as an associate professor or equivalent.
3、力学研究所“力智计划”IM Talents Program A
The applicants should not be over 55 years old, and have a Ph.D. Degree. They should be full professor and at least three years of research experience in an overseas world-class institution. They must have considerable research achievements, strong international reputation in the corresponding field, and demonstrated outstanding abilities in management, coordination of teamwork and implementation of large-scale scientific projects.
4、力学研究所“力英计划”IM Talents Program B
The applicants should not be over 45 years old, and have a Ph.D. Degree. They should be an assistant professor or above, and have at least three years of research experience in a world-class institution or a top-ranking company. They should have demonstrable achievements in the corresponding field. The applicant should also have the ability to lead a research team and implement large-scale projects.
5、力学研究所“力星计划”IM Talents Program C
The applicants should not be over 35 years old, and have been awarded a Ph.D. Degree within the last 5 years. They should have at least three years of research experience in a world-class institution, or a top-ranking company. They should be able to demonstrate research achievements with distinctive features and development potential.
6、特别研究助理 Research Assistant/ Postdoctoral Research Fellow
They applicants should not be over 35 years old, and have been awarded a Ph.D. degree within the last 3 years. They must have outstanding innovative research results in the areas of expertise required above and excellent potential for scientific and technological innovation. If applicants enter the postdoctoral station, should transfer the personnel relationship to IMCAS and ensure full-time postdoctoral research.
7、普通科技/支撑岗位General Scientific & Technology/Supporting Positions
The applicants should not be over 35 years old, and the non-fresh graduates should have Beijing hukou Beijing Citizen. The applicants for science and technology research series should have no less than two years of postdoctoral research experience, or have professional and technical positions at or above the sub-senior level. It is recommended for the applicants with doctoral degree to apply for Special Research Assistant of the Institute of Mechanics, CAS if the requirements above are not satisfied. It is acceptable for the applicants with Master Degree to apply if they are excellent and with professional and technical positions at or above the sub-senior level.
For more information, please contact us.
应聘材料|Documents for Application
● 岗位申请表;
Post application form;
● 发表论著或撰写重要技术报告或专利目录;
A full list of publications / patents;
● 5篇代表性论文或报告全文;
Copies of five representative papers;
● 学位、国内外任职及已获科研成果证书的复印件等。
Copies of diploma, award certificates and letters of appointment.

For the application process and submission materials of the Research Assistant/ Postdoctoral Research Fellow and General Scientific & Technology/Supporting Positions , please consult the human resources department.
联系方式|Contact Information
Department: Human Resources Department
Add:No.15 Beisihuan West Road, Haidian District Beijing, China (100190)
研究所主页Website of Research
实验室主页Website of
办公电话Office Number:+86-10-82543973/82545885
联系人Contact:李老师 Li Fei
陈老师 Chen Mengzhu
赵老师 Zhao Xieyu